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Author: Hamilton/Weiss

Martha Hamilton & Mitch Weiss Books

About the Authors

Beauty & the Beast Storytellers

Author Bios: Martha Hamilton and Mitch Weiss, who live in Ithaca, New York have been performing together professionally as Beauty & the Beast Storytellers at schools, libraries, coffeehouses, museums, festivals, and conferences throughout the United States and Canada since 1980.

They leave it to their audiences to decide which one is the Beauty and which the Beast.

Martha, formerly a reference librarian at Cornell university, began telling stories as a hobby after she mistakenly walked into a storytelling workshop while attending a library conference.

She was eventually introduced to Mitch by a friend who told her, “Mitch may not know it, but he’s a storyteller.” Mitch had majored in government as a student at Cornell, a field which some have jokingly commented seems “perfect for a storyteller.”

At the time he was one of the owners/workers at the cooperatively run Moosewood Restaurant, an Ithaca landmark because of its best-selling vegetarian cookbook.

Martha and Mitch have also written four of our Books for Young Learners (Two Fables of Aesop, Why Animals Never Got Fire, How Fox Became Red, Tricky Rabbit) – CLICK to order the Package for $22.40